Last night we got to go to the 4th grade Science Fair and see Aaron's science fair project. It was so much fun, Aaron didn't win a ribbon, but we all think he should have.
Here's Bub with his awesome and amazing board. His project was on phosphors, he tested all kinds of things around the house to see if they would glow under black light. It was a lot of fun.
Aaron has been having a blast running and playing and being a boy. Almost everyday he comes home with a new scrape or bruise. The other day Mom commented on it and said, "Gosh Bub, you're always getting hurt, there are scrapes all over you!" Aaron calmly replied, "Mom, the wounds make the man. So just think of what a fine young man I'm growing up to be!"
Daddy had a special event at his work this last week. Here are the kids all dressed up and ready to go to the event. Aaron was mad at me for making him do his hair.
What made it extra fun was that Grandpa came to visit us, and he got to come too. Here are Daddy and Grandpa, wearing their matching shirts that the kids made for them.
We did lots of fun things with Grandpa. We got to play Twister...
... and Monopoly!
Clara wanted to play too, but only because she wanted to eat the little pieces. Instead she sat behind Daddy and pretended he was a horse.
Here is our Hannah Bean sporting a super stylish outfit of her very own creation.
Yesterday at the science fair Hannah had to go potty. So Mommy took her to the bathroom. While we were in there Mom stood by the sink to wait. From inside the stall Hannah said, "You know you don't have to be in here Mom, I'm fine, there's no zombies or monsters in here."
This morning on the way home from walking the kids to school Hannah wanted to pretend that I was the Mommy hawk and she was the baby hawk. She made a hawk noise and said, "See, that means I'm hungry for ice cream!" I replied, "I don't think hawks eat ice cream." Hannah said indignantly, "Yes! After dinner!"
Here is Emma holding up her new Faith in God book! She is so excited because soon she will be eight years old and she will get to be baptized! Then she gets to go to Activity Day Girls at church which she is convinced means that she is now officially a grown up girl.
The other day it was time to do chores and homework. Emma was extra good for Mom and did everything without complaining at all. Afterwards she said to Mom, "Don't I get a treat for being so good today?" Mom replied, "I don't think you get treats for doing what you're supposed to do, but I'll give you big hugs, because I'm very proud of you." Emma snorted and said, "Well that's the last time I'm gonna be good!"
Last of all here is our Clara. As you can see she's sitting on top of the table trying to get a banana. This is how Mom found her when she came back from using the bathroom. I'm torn between being horrified that she could have fallen off and cracked her head open, and proud that I have such a smart, resourceful little stinker.
Clara has learned a new word! Guess what it is... that's right, it's NO. This is now her favorite thing to say to all of us, even the dogs. No matter what you ask her you get a great big, "No!" Mom and Dad are hoping she learns some other words soon, it was only cute the first 10 times we heard it. But the older kids think it's hilarious, they spend lots of time asking her questions just so they can hear her say "No!", then they all crack up together.
Love you all and we'll see you all next time!