Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Farm

Last weekend we got to go to Buckelew Pumpkin Farm and pick out some pumpkins. It was a lot of fun running around in the pumpkin patch.

Hannah feeding a pony in the petting zoo. 

Up on top of the hay stack...

Daddy and Clara on the hay wagon, doesn't she look like him!

Sisters on the wagon. 

For some reason Clara wanted to taste all the pumpkins.


Daddy and Bub

Aaron wanted to get the biggest white pumpkin he could find but the rule was he had to be able to carry it himself. As you can see, he kept trying really hard to carry these pumpkins that were as big as he was. 

Taking a break...

Emma picked a cute little pumpkin.

Again with the tasting?

Hannah found her pumpkin!

Go Clara go!

Next to the pumpkin totem pole. 

See you next time!

Crazy Kiddo's

So here are all the kids, modeling the silly costume stuff their Lupi sent them for Halloween. *Have to note that the rainbow hair was actually sent to me, Mom sent it for my birthday, just exactly what she's trying to say about what she thinks of my current hair style I don't think I want to know.


You can really tell in this one, Clara has alot of green in her eyes. 


Must point out that in this picture Aaron looks EXACTLY like his Uncle Kevin. 


Here is Aaron sporting rainbow hair, ninja swords, a sweet stache and a cardboard peg leg. 

Oh yeah.

Friday, October 19, 2012


We were out walking this morning when out of the blue Hannah said to me, "Mom, are you sure you're not a monster?"
Ummm...yea? Maybe I should be a little worried she has to question that, lol.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hannah's Talk

Here is the talk Hannah gave in primary on Sunday. She told me what to write and I wrote it so it's really written by her...

Priesthood Blessings
By Hannah Meese

We have the priesthood. We have temples. My Mom and Dad got married in the temple. That means our family can be together forever. My Dad can give me blessings when I need them. The priesthood helps our family. We love each other. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus. I am thankful for the priesthood. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall Happenings

We've been having all kinds of adventures lately. Jared and I got to go to California for a friends wedding, we took Clara but got to leave all the big kids with Meema. I got to be one of the bridesmaids in the wedding. Last weekend we got to go the the annual Tucson Reptile Show, and Jared has started the police academy. We've been busy, but we're sure having a lot of fun!

Here are Jared and I at the wedding, aren't we cute!(Please excuse my dress, one of the other bridesmaids was supposed to bring me a special undershirt and she forgot.)

Here's miss Hannah smiling because she just got to pet that huge monitor lizard you can see in the back. 

*Hannah asked me if she could play computer the other day. I told her yes, but she would have to wait for me to finish up what I was doing. After a few minutes I thought I was done so I moved out of the chair so she could start. Then I remembered something I forgot to do. "Oops," I said, "Hannah I have to get back on for a couple more minutes, I forgot something." Hannah put her hands on her hips and glared at me, "Are you kidding me!?", she said.

I cannot believe Aaron held that disgusting bug. Yuck, is all I can say!

*We were driving the other day and Aaron said to me, "Mom, there's a lot of things I don't understand about love." I asked him what he didn't understand but he said he didn't know. I said, "Well love isn't really hard to understand, I'm not sure what you're confused about." Aaron shrugged and replied, "I'm a kid, there's a lot of things I don't understand."

Emma liked petting the monitor lizards too. 

*Some of the girls in our ward are starting a girl scout troop so Emma gets to be a Brownie scout! She is super excited to start.

Here's poor Jared snoring in the middle of the day on Friday. He's wearing the head phones so he can't hear the kids running around. They are working them HARD at the academy. If one of his classmates gets in trouble they punish the whole class. Last week one of them did something wrong and the whole class had to carry twin mattresses on their backs and run up 5 flights of stairs. They've already had 6 people quit. They had their first test last Thurs, it was on law, half the class failed but Jared studied and studied and he passed with flying colors! Woohoo for him!

Here's Hannah modeling her super awesome new look. Notice the two different shoes. It looks like she inherited her big sisters flare for style.

Finally, here are some pictures of Jared, Clara and I at the beach in CA. We were lucky and got to go one of the days we were there. 

Lets go surfin!

This is one of my favorite pictures.

Even though it was cold, Clara loved the water. 

Our little beach beauty.

She kept trying to eat the seaweed.

For some reason she kept lying down on her tummy in the sand, maybe because it was warm. 

Jared's Mom took this picture for us :)

Last but not least here are Jared and I at the wedding morning breakfast. We really had a blast hanging out with the wedding party, they were really fun people. It was so nice to go out without the kiddo's! (Not that we don't love them of course:) But we were happy to see them when we got home!