Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cute, cute!

Here are the kids showing off the cute outfits that Grandma gave them! (Except for Clara who would only put on the glasses and hold the puppy because she's a little stinker right now who hates to get dressed. If I'd forced her she would have been screaming for the pictures and I figure I have to have SOME pictures of her as a baby where she's not crying.)

Anyway, here we go...

Emma has dubbed this her "ice cream" dress because she says it looks just like chocolate chip mint ice cream. :)

The bag is from a birthday party Hannah went to. She was all excited because she got to wear her new dress.

Cute, cute Clara and Aaron rockin their shades.
Thank You Grandma!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Aaron came home from CA today where he's been visiting Grandma (pictures to follow soon). He was in his room unloading when Hannah stuck her head in his door and said, "Aaron, I missed you so much! I thought I was gonna die."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Boys Rule

This summer Lupi sent us a jar filled with ideas for the kids to do. They're supposed to pick one everyday, and then do whatever activity it says. As we've been picking them we've discovered that Lupi hid some silly ones in there, like "Nanny nanny boo boo, try again!". Well this morning Emma picked one that said, "Boys rule and Girls drool! Try again!". She rolled her eyes in disgust and said, "Boompa put that one in there!".

Missing Aaron

Couldn't resist putting this up. Aaron left for California yesterday morning. Last night I went in to check on the sleeping girls but was surprised that the dogs weren't in their room with them. I found both Tootsie and Sally in Aarons room, sleeping next to each other on his bed. I guess they miss him.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cut Hair

Suddenly noticed this morning that Hannah's hair was about 3 inches shorter on one side of her hair in the front. I asked, "Hannah, did you cut your hair?" She replied, "No! I didn't cut my hair!". I then asked her, "Well who did? Because I can see that it has been cut in the front." She looked at me very seriously and said, "Mom, I promise pinky swear that I didn't cut it. Maybe what happened was that I was just washing the dishes and there were some scissors on the counter and the pointy part just stabbed me in the hair."

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Up, Up and Away!!

Summer afternoon photo shoot at the Meese house. We were super hero's today! We tried outside first, but they were all squinting. I put them on here anyway cause they're funny. But then we came inside and got some really good ones! Take a look...




La, la, la!



Dee, dee, dee, I like this cloud.

It's as soft as my blanket :)

Ninja leap!

Doo, doo, doo, cheese :)


I am so cool.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Crazy Hair Day

Today was crazy hair day at the Meese house! Emma and Hannah decided they wanted to have crazy hair that was beautiful too, so we gave them gorgeous mermaid hair that was full of glitter.

Aaron decided to "go green". He spiked his Mohawk and painted it with colored gel.

Hannah did her own makeup too, I especially like the beautiful glittered eyebrows, heehee.
Clara sported her "I just woke up from my nap" crazy hairdo.

See you later!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Lake Patagonia

Since Jared has Monday's off we decided to take a trip today and we took everyone (all our kids and Tyler) up to Lake Patagonia to go fishing and swimming. We had so much fun in the water!

Oh, oh, oh! The water is cold!
*Sally was funny, when we first got to the lake she wouldn't go in the water because she was afraid of the waves. After she saw the kids splashing around for awhile I guess she decided the waves weren't evil after all and she got in to play.

Hannah found a great big clam shell on the beach, there were lots there, but she found the biggest one.

Clara just wanted to hang out by the table and eat snacks. She didn't like the cold water so she just hung around and ate Cheetos the whole time. At least she was happy!

Mommy made the mistake of wearing yummy smelling lotion. The bees wouldn't leave her alone! Finally she had to go jump in the lake with the kids to wash the lotion off.


Our cute little peach eating a peach :)

Yeah!!! This is fun!
* The big kids really had fun swimming. They had races and played games and just plain wore themselves out in the water :)

Hannah's "yeah!" was from the shallow water, but she was still having a blast!

Jared took Aaron, Tyler and Hannah exploring. They climbed up on those huge rocks and waved to Emma, Clara and I from on top.

Emma collected a bunch of shells and bottle caps. Not sure what was up with the bottle caps, but the shells were cool.

The boys attempted to fish, but there were too many boats going by :(

Hannah had fun snuggling Sally in the shallow water.
All dried off and ready to go home.

Corn dogs! We stopped at a market on the way home and got the kids a corn dog, swimming makes you hungry!
See you all next time!