Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stop Talking

Yesterday for FHE our family was talking about phone manners or how to be polite on the phone. We got Emma's play phone out and I was pretending to call each kid so that they could practice. Emma was the first one to go...

Mom: Ring, ring.
Emma: Hello, may I ask who's speaking pleas?
Mom: This is Shirley, is your mom available?

At this point Emma paused for a minute as if trying to decide what to say. Finally she said in her sweetest and most polite voice...

Emma: What does available mean?

We were sitting in sacrament meeting on Sunday and Hannah was getting bored. She was sitting on my lap and fidgeting around. I kept having to tell her to hold still. Finally she'd had enough and in exasperation said, "Mom, when is this guy gonna stop talking!?"

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