Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Song

We were driving in the car the other day and Aaron said, "You know Mom, it's really a good thing that I'm so good at catching lizards and bugs and stuff. Because I might be one of those guys that grow up and have to live off the land and I'll only have lizards and stuff to eat."

Jared loves country music and is always trying to get me to listen to it, but I'm not a country fan, so he can only listen to it when I'm not there. I didn't realize the kids were paying any attention to this till last weekend. We'd gottten a beautiful new table from some very wonderful people who gave it to us because they were getting a new one. We loaded it into the van and then Jared drove it home while I followed him in another car with the kids. As we were driving behind Jared Emma suddenly said, "You know Mom, I'll bet Dad's secretly listening to country in there!"

When we left for school this morning Aaron put his backpack into the back of the stroller. I asked him why he didn't want to hold it and he replied matter of factly, "I don't like to carry anything unless it's a good book or something to eat."

Last but not least here is the wonderful and amazing song that our Emma wrote all by herself, she wrote it last Sunday and then came and sang it for us. Here it is...

Jesus are you real here
My Father sent me here
I am glad to be with you
My family on earth
They are sweet
I am glad you are with me
You, I love you to my soul
I wish you wonderfully 
oh oh oh

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