Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Birthday At The Zoo

This year for Hannah's 4th birthday she decided she wanted to go to the zoo. 

 Miss Emma

 Hiding in the bushes

 Clara riding in the stroller

 There were squirrels all over the zoo. As you can see they weren't at all afraid of people.

 One, two, three little cuties 

 Ahhhhhh! A snake! (He's just pretend, but he sure scared Meema when she looked up and saw him.)

 Aaron on the rocks

 Daddy and Hannah checking out the elephants


 Go Clara go!

 Hiding in the tortoise shell

 Still going

 Petting the hedgehogs

 Cute little armadillo

 Clara liked the hedgehogs.

 Not to happy to be posing

 Ta da!

 We got to watch this African Weaver Bird weaving it's nest. 


Fast asleep

 The ducks were sooooo stinky!

 Bub squirted his Daddy and the baby.

 Brothers are good for climbing on.

 Taking a rest in the giant egg

 Meema and kids

 Goodbye zoo

See you next time :)

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