Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow Day!

We got snow! Last week we actually had a snow day, we couldn't believe it...

There was about an inch and a half of snow covering everything. It was so pretty.

Clara kept trying to run out in the back yard, she didn't understand that snow was cold! Mom finally let her go out, just so she would see that is was freezing outside. She walked right out into the snow barefoot and stuck her hands in it, she stood there for a minute and then she came right back in. Of course as soon as she was warmed up she wanted to go right back out again the little stinker.

Looking up our street

Aaron got to have some fun scraping the snow off of the cars.



It was so cold Clara wanted to share the snow with Daddy.

Pretty front yard

Aaron and Sally playing in the snow in the back. Aaron likes this picture because he says Sally looks like a demon dog.
We were cold but it was sure fun!

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