Thursday, May 9, 2013


Last night Emma and I got to go to Ancestry Night for Emma's Activity Day Girls. We were supposed to dress up like our ancestors and tell some stores about them with pictures if we could. We decided to dress up like Emma's great, great grandparents Nanny and BB (this was because they were the ones I had pictures for :)  We told the story of how Nanny would ride her horse to school every day and that she was the first one in her family to graduate from high school. We had lots of fun, and looked pretty darn cute too... if I do say so myself, wink.

Two cute cowgirls in their awesome pink hats!
*Side note: Today I took Hannah with me to the store to grab a few things. I told her that if she was good while we were there I would buy her a cupcake. Well, bribery works and she was a very good girl so we went to the bakery and got her a great big frosting smothered cupcake to take home. While we were walking to the checkout she asked me if she could eat her cupcake in the car. I said, "No, because I think that would make a huge mess in our car." Hannah shook her head and said, "No Mom! It won't make a huge mess in our car! It will only make a huge mess on my mouth!"

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