Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Miss Clara Bear found her thumb today! She's been trying to shove her entire fist into her mouth when she gets upset. It was adorable but didn't work too well for her since she couldn't fit it all in there. But today she finally found her thumb!

I took Hannah and Clara for a walk in the stroller so that I could get some exercise. While we were walking Hannah turned around in her seat and told me that she was going to tell me a story. Then she turned back around and started talking. She was saying alot but I couldn't hear her over the noice of the stroller wheels. After about 5 mins she turned to face me again and said, "Did you like my story?". I smiled and told her that I loved it. Hannah rolled her eyes at me and in an exasperated voice said, "Mom!? The gorillas ate you!". Boy, do I wish I could have heard that story!

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